Site Details

Nicholson Ford Marsh - Marshall County

GPS Coordinates: 42.056455, -92.880357

Management: None listed

Description: Small marsh area consisting of 78 acres of grassland and old vegetation. Some shallow areas with water. Additonally, you are right next to the Linn Creek Greenbelt Recreation Trail which as several access points within 100yds. Great for walking and biking and birding.

Habitat: Grassland and old vegetation. Enough water/moisture to support rails and occasional American Bittern but not enough water to be of concern (may not need any kind of boots at all). There are some kind of bike trails there. Linn Creek Greenbelt Recreation Trail wander on 3 sides of this marshy area as well as east and north. Should be some good birding depending on time of year.

Directions: From Marshalltown center intersection of IA 14 and E35 go NORTH for .5 miles to E Marion Street. Turn right (EAST) and proceed 1.4 miles. Park of the side of the road. Marsh is on the SOUTH side of the road.