Site Details

Elk Grove WMA - Guthrie County

GPS Coordinates: 41.7533854362746, -94.7000885009766

Management: State

Description: 1,600 acre timber with four parking lots. Downloadable map at:,d.aWw

Habitat: Mostly timber, with four small ponds.

Directions: In northwest Guthrie Co. Northwest of Guthrie Center, follow F-32, seen on the Iowa highway map, six miles west from N-70 to Dogwood Ave. There is a parking area just north at Dogwood's first bend right, and also farther along Dogwood, about a mile north of its bend left. Finally, continue north on Dogwood to 165th St., and turn west 1.5 miles to a parking spot with a lane leading into the area.


Important Bird Area: IBA Entry for Elk Grove WMA