Contributing to Iowa Bird Life

Articles and photos related to birds and birding in Iowa are welcomed by the editor. These include short notes on rare birds seen and more comprehensive research articles of interest. Original manuscripts, notes, letters (indicate if for publication), editorials, and other material relating to birds in Iowa should be sent as an attachment in Microsoft Word to editor along with corresonding images and tables/charts. Research manuscripts should include abstract, introduction, study area, methods, results, discussion, and literature cited sections and will be sent for peer review. Accepted manuscripts will be published promptly depending on space available.

Photos and graphics: Members may submit original, unsized, and unenhanced photos in your camera’s JPEG (*.jpg) format through this upload page. Photos must be 300 dpi at the size they will be printed (6.5” wide by 6.5” high for the cover and various smaller sizes inside), so setting your camera to its highest possible resolution is recommended. The photo editor will do any resizing and enhancing required because any previous adjustments to the photos may make them unusable. Submit your photos through the members page. Submit graphs or maps as e-mail attachment to your manuscript to the editor.

Deadlines for submission are January 1 for March issue [Vol. xxx (1)], April 1 for June issue (2), July 1 for September issue (3), October 1 for December issue (4).