Reporting Your Sightings

Your sightings are critical for our organization to meet its one unique purpose - documenting the history of birds in Iowa by 1) creating a written snapshot of activity for each ornithological season published in Iowa Bird Life and 2) maintaining a repository of written and photographic evidence of rare species occurring in our state (see "When Is A Bird In Iowa?" by Tom Kent). Observations must be entered by the 15th of the month following the close of the season.

Reporting Tools

  • eBird Logo  Most seasonal information comes from eBird, the primary reporting tool of Iowa birders, and is augmented with documentation of rarities through Iowa Bird Records.
  • Tools to Enhance Your eBird Experience
  • IOU Reportingnon-eBird users may report your significant bird sightings for a season using the form below by the 15th of the month following the end of a season.
  • Iowa Bird Recordsprovide some written details and photos for any rare species on the review list you observe. Reports within two weeks of observation are appreciated.

Ornithological Seasons

Cape May Warbler © John Bissell
  • Spring: March-May
  • Summer: June-July
  • Fall: August-November
  • Winter: December-February

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