Contributing to Iowa Bird Life

Articles and photos related to birds and birding in Iowa are welcomed by the editor. These include short notes on rare birds seen and more comprehensive research articles of interest. Original manuscripts, notes, letters (indicate if for publication), editorials, and other material relating to birds in Iowa should be uploaded or sent as an attachment in Microsoft Word to editor along with corresonding images and tables/charts. The editor will use the "track changes" functionality in Microsoft Word for editing. This video is a good tutorial. Research manuscripts should include abstract, introduction, study area, methods, results, discussion, and literature cited sections and will be sent for peer review. Accepted manuscripts will be published promptly depending on space available.

Photos and graphics: Submit only original photos. Please upload .jpg photos that are a minimum of 5x7 at 300ppi (1500px x 2100px) with no watermarks. (Tip: When resizing photos in Photoshop, make sure the "Resample" box is NOT checked. Resampling will potentially degrade the quality of your photo) The form will ask you for some information to be used in the caption. All fields are required except for location and special note which may or may not add value. Members may upload their photos using the upload tool, Upload IBL Photos, after logging in. Submit graphs or maps as email attachments to your manuscript to the editor.

The season for publication is determined by the date on the photo, Photos for consideration of publication are due by the end of the second month following season's end (Winter - Apr 30; Spring - Jul 31; Summer - Sep 30; Fall - Jan 31). 

Deadlines for submission are January 1 for March issue [Vol. xxx (1)], April 1 for June issue (2), July 1 for September issue (3), October 1 for December issue (4).