Site Details

Luton WMA (North) - Woodbury County

GPS Coordinates: 42.3583932853415, -96.2311792373657

Management: State

Description: Luton Wildlife Management Area is 1094 acres of wetland split into TWO areas (thus our designation of Luton WMA (north) and Luton WMA (south).

Habitat: Wetlands--Has been excellent for waterfowl and shorebirds. Smith's Longspurs in migrations. Rough-legged Hawks, Harriers, and Short-eared Owls winter.

Directions: Start Point: LUTON IA-Intersection of K42(aka Dallas Ave) and D51(aka 250th) proceed NORTH ~ 1mi. From there work north along Dallas (1mile) and west along 240th and then south along Delaware) There are 4-5 parking areas.