Birding Site Guides

  • eBird Hotspots: 1738
  • with Photos: 1125 (65%)
  • with Content: 1179 (68%)
  • Please contribute

Additional Guides

  • Wildcat Den SP

    Photo by Paul Hertzel
  • Union Slough NWR

    Photo by Paul Hertzel
  • Hayden Prairie

    Photo by Paul Hertzel

Most of these guides have been published in Iowa Bird Life to help the birder find interesting places to look for birds. The publication year is shown in the table below so some may be a bit dated. Detail for individual eBird hotspots may be found by searching the site.

To help find areas in a particular part of Iowa, the state is divided into quadrants (NW, SW, NE, SE) with the dividing lines being Interstates 35 and 80. Click on an article to read it.

Article TitleAuthorYear
Birding South Twin Lake in Calhoun County Shane Patterson2009
Birding Little Wall and Anderson Lakes and Teig's Marsh Stephen J. Dinsmore and Hank Zaletel1991
Birding Hancock County Rita Goranson2006
Birding Ida and Sac Counties Peter Ernzen2002
Woodland Birding in the Algona Area Matt Kenne2003
Birding on the Edge: Western Lyon County Doug Harr2004
Waterman Creek Meets the Little Sioux River Lee Schoenewe2005
Birding Brookside Park in Ames Shane Patterson2006
Birding Owego Wetlands Complex Jerry Von Ehwegen and Paul Roisen 2007
Article TitleAuthorYear
Birding Decatur County Jeff Livingston2008
Hitting the Hot Spots in Fremont County Ross Silcock2003
Hitchcock Nature Center Honey Creek Mark Orsag2007