2022 Fall Meeting in YMCA Camp Abe Lincoln Scott County Iowa Wrap-up


Fall Meeting Camp Abe Lincoln Buffalo, Iowa.

Camp Abe Lincoln nestled in the Mississippi River Valley between Davenport and Muscatine Iowa was the site of the Sept.16-18, 2022 IOU Fall meeting. Muscatine and Scott County Iowa hotspots of Big Sand Mound, Credit Island, Lock and Dam 14 (Smith's Island), Nahant Marsh, Princeton Marsh, Sayles yard, and Wildcat Den were searched for Missisippi Valley migrants and resident birds.

This beautifull Rustic setting provided the IOU participants one way roads, questionable plumbing, soaking rains, great fellowship and birds. Friday night meet and greet was the appetizer for Saturday and Sunday. Many species of warblers and thrush just outside the doors of the building and beautiful photos of birding trips scrolling on the screen provided the evenings entertainment. Field trips the next day were led by Susan Nixon, Brian Peer, Brian Ritter, and James Wiebler. Special thanks to all these excellent leaders. 

After the Saturday Morning Field trips, the scenic lodge provided an excellent venue for the afternoon programs. Brian Peer spoke about the "Prothonotary Warbler: Jewel of the Quad City Swamps" Tyler Harms "Secretive Marsh Birds" and Richard Sayles "Israel Birds, History and Culture." 

Those that heard Brian Peer speak will never look at House Wrens the same. 

Steve Betchkal gave a very entertaining yet somber talk on the "The Canada Warbler in the Coal Mine".  This talk gave everyone something to think about.

Sunday field trips picked up where we left off on Saturday but with sunny skies! We ended up the weekend with 118 species. Some of the Sunday highlights were cinamon rolls (thanks Kit) and birds at the Sayles Garden with 48 species (highlight lifers for some and Broadwing Hawks). Credit Island provided Snowy Egrets and Smiths Island Black Throated Blue. 

Participants and Species Seen