Projects Funded by IOU Grants

Supporting Research, Conservation & Education

  • Cerulean Warbler documentation in Effigy Mounds/Yellow River Forest BCA - Photo by Tamara Lewis
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  • Purchase of Kaufman field guides by Springbrook Conservation Education Center, Iowa Department of Natural Resources . "The information included in these guides is a vital part of our teaching, and we very much appreciate your generosity!" Photos by AJay Winter
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  • Northern Saw-whet Owl Migration Monitoring - Photo by Jean Martin
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  • Barn Owl Nest Boxes at Chichaqua Bottoms Greenbelt, Polk Co.
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  • Raptor Banding at Hitchcock NA, Pottawattamie Co. Jerry Toll removes a Sharp-shinned Hawk from the net - Photo by Phil Swanson
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  • Iowa and Illinois Young Birder Day on the Mississippi River - Photo by Linda Rudolph
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  • Observation Platform at Pintail Wetlands, Hardin Co. - Photo by Candace Havely
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  • Cerulean Warbler Occupancy Study - Paul Skrade leads Iowa Young Birders through appropriate habitat where they confirm nesting - Photo by Tyler Harms
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  • Chimney Swift towers for an existing swift colony, Orange Elementary School, Waterloo - Photo by Tom Schilke
    Read the Report

Funding for natural history projects, be it research, habitat restoration, or land acquisition, is not always easy.  Although we are not a wealthy organization and money available each year is dependent on the number of IOU members, we are proud of some of our recent accomplishments of partnering with other funders to make a difference for Iowa's birds.  The table below shows the projects funded. If you would like to help fund some of these interesting projects, please 1) make sure you have joined the IOU or renewed your membership and 2) donate additional money to the Projects Fund.  

131 Projects Awarded Since 2007 - $122,947
2024 - Total: $5,000
Whiterock Conservancy $400Whiterock will provide environmental education for all ages through programming and displays that will help educate visitors on the rare habitat resources that Whiterock continues to passionately protect to improve species diversity. Our goal to create improved programming to boost public knowledge of the environment and our extraordinary avian resources through displays and programs such as creative bird hikes, identification classes and bird counts will enhance Iowa’s educational opportunities.
Driftless Area Bird Conservation$1,500Continuation of Cerulean Warbler Surveys with the Effigy Mounds/Yellow River Forest Bird Conservation Area in Northeast Iowa in 2024
Mahaska County Conservation$1,000Maskunky Marsh is a wonderful place for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts to visit. It has great opportunities to observe and photograph a wide variety of waterfowl, shorebirds, and many other grassland birds. The plan is to preserve the bird blind and place informational signage inside the bird viewing blind and at the north parking lot. The information on these signs would show photographs and brief descriptions of the most common and some unique species that have been sighted at the Marsh over the years.
Johnson County Conservation$500The project multi-faceted project will provide education experiences that inspire action on the part of birds. Program goals are to promote appreciation of birds while giving community members more knowledge about how they can help support birds at home and in their community. More details are included in our PDF attachment. Thank you for your consideration!
Dickinson County Conservation Board$600The Dickinson County Conservation Board is seeking funding for a spotting scope and tripod to add to our osprey nest viewing area located inside the nature center. The exhibit is featured in a large room with ample windows and a straight line-of-sight view of the nest. Other bird-related educational materials are also featured in the exhibit, including a life-sized replica of an osprey nest, bird skulls, egg replicas, bird mounts, and informational banners.
Iowa DNR - Sugema Wildlife Unit$1,000Lake Sugema WMA – Woody Encroachment Removal Project. Goal of the project is to remove woody brush encroachment in designated cool season grassland areas to allow the conversion of the grassland areas to diverse native grass and forbs stands. Additional acres of high quality diverse native grass stands will provide for a wide variety grassland birds and increase habitat for a variety of pollinators that frequent the Lake Sugema wildlife area.
2023 - Total: $40,000
Madison County Conservation Board$500Purchase and installation of a Motus tower at Pammel State Park. This tower would be an addition to the Motus Wildlife Tracking System throughout the world. This system uses radio telemetry to track many bird species, along with other animals, and plays a crucial role in their research.
Buena Vista County Conservation ~ Katie Struss$497Buena Vista County Conservation’s goal in purchasing the egg replicas is to raise awareness and provide education about local birds to all residents of Buena Vista County. The naturalist sees on average over 9,000 Buena Vista County residents a year.Report
Sac County Conservation Board$300Birds Eye View will allow us to purchase and have live stream cameras available for viewing 24/7. The goal of our Birds Eye View project is to educate Sac County residents about the feeding habits and nesting habits of the birds of Iowa.
Iowa Bird Rehabilitation$1,000Build four new aviaries: hummingbirds, small songbirds, American Kestrel (education bird, non-flighted), and Short-eared Owl (education bird, non-flighted). We specialize in the rehabilitation of Iowa's wild bird population. IBR benefits Iowa's wild bird population through rescue and rehabilitation work; we also involve communities locally and across Iowa by helping the public to understand bird behavior and how to co-exist with birds.
Polk County Conservation Board$803Conducting avian surveys of Brown's Woods Park in West Des Moines. A combination of migratory and breeding bird surveys will be performed, as well as some vegetation analysis to determine current bird use of the park. This standardized survey will be able to be repeated in future years.
Tallgrass Prairie Chapter of the Iowa Audubon Society$400The common nighthawk has adapted well to urban habitats, where city lights draw abundant insects, expanding the bird’s hunting window, and where flat pea gravel rooftops have provided a suitable nesting substrate. This project aims to determine whether nighthawks will use small artificial nesting pads installed on rubberized rooftops and employ volunteer citizen scientists to monitor them throughout the summer.
Friends of the Ledges, Inc.$1,000Ledges State Park Invasive Shrub Removal. Surveys indicate that heavy stands of honeysuckle, barberry, autumn olive and multiflora rose are degrading over 60 acres of Important Bird Area habitat. The project would utilize resource management crews to remove the heaviest infestations in the fall of 2023. Volunteer work crews from Friends of the Ledges and other groups will remove invasive shrubs from less heavily infested areas, and monitor and follow up on invasive shrub control for years to come.
Iowa Young Birders$500Iowa Young Birders received a grant to pilot deploying 10 birding backpacks in 5 public libraries across Iowa as a pilot in the spring of 2023. We intend to expand the initial pilot effort by deploying an additional 8 birding backpacks in 4 partnering public libraries strategically located near areas designated as either Iowa Audubon Important Bird Areas and / or Iowa DNR Bird Conservation Areas.
Polk County Conservation Board$35,000The Polk County Conservation Board seeks support to construct a wildlife viewing area for viewing birds at the Brenton Slough near Grimes, IA. This area will be purchase by the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation, and then deeded over to Polk County in the future to protect and maintain. This area has been a magnet for birders and nature enthusiasts for years due to the diversity of wildlife that uses the sprawling natural area and aquatic resources. PCC wants to encourage and expand safe recreational use of this area, as well as provide increased educational opportunities for the public to learn about this amazing natural amenity and the wildlife that utilize the area.
2022 - Total: $2,996
Mitchell County - Chelsea Ewen Rowcliffe$579Funding for a feeder stationReport
Western Illinois University - Gbenga S. Dairo$761A study to determine if food supplemented Prothonotary Warblers are more effective at preventing cowbird parasitism and nest takeover by House Wrens
Western Illinois University - Nicholas R. Vozza$472Continuation of Prothonotary Warbler parasitism study
Madison County Conservation Board - Tanner Donovan$200Provided partial funding for Barn Owl boxesReport
Western Illinois University - Matt Scerbicke$984An investigation of nest usurpation by House Wrens, the most significant source of nest failure in Prothonotary Warblers in southeast IowaReport
2021 - Total: $5,000
Caswell - Heather Sander$1,125Derecho effects on breeding birds in Palisades-Kepler State ParkReport
Paul Skrade$1,000ongoing Cerulean Warbler researchReport
For the good ole birds$1,935Feeders for assisted living communities
Niccolas Vozza - Western Illinois University$940Cameras for monitoring Prothonotary Warbler nest boxesReport
2019 - Total: $4,999
Sac County Conservation Board$500Knee High Naturalist: All About Birds program
The Community Academy$535Summer Experience 2019 - Brookside Park Trail Restoration
Kyla Yuza-Pate, Iowa State University$400Iowa State University Bird-Window Collision Carcass Survey
Benton County Conservation$1,000Fen acquisition
Louisa County Conservation$450Owl Nesting Boxes & Owl Education
Melody Campbell, Iowa State University$528The Effects of Anthropogenic Noise on Stress in Urban Birds and their Nestlings
Patrick Page, Nicholas Vozza, and Brian D. Peer, Western Illinois University$336Why me? Assessing Factors that Determine Cowbird Parasitism of Prothonotary Warblers
Joe Frieden, Upper Iowa University$500Song Variation of Territorial Male Bobolinks in Intentionally-Grazed Pastures
Sioux County Conservation Foundation (SCCF)$250Sioux County Nature Center: Bird Watching Station
Paul Skrade, Upper Iowa University & Winneshiek County Conservation$500American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) Nest Box Placement & Monitoring Along Winneshiek County Secondary Roads
2018 - Total: $5,000
BioEco Research and Monitoring Center, Clinton County Conservation Board$340Building Even Better Birders Field Classes
Bird Friendly Iowa (BFI)$700Establishing Bird Friendly Iowa CommunitiesReport
Jones County Conservation Board$900Purple Martin Complex Gourd & Interpretive Signage Addition
Louisa County Conservation$308Langwood Education Center Bird Blind FeedersReport
Monroe County Conservation Board$514Bird's Eye View Feeding and Viewing StationReport
Palo Alto County Conservation Foundation Board$345NatureWatch Bird Egg displayReport
Ringgold County Conservation Board$500Dragoon Trace Nature Center – Outdoor Learning EnvironmentReport
Elliot Stalter - University of Iowa$393Research, A Window of Opportunity: Measurement and Prevention of Migratory Bird- Window Collisions in Iowa City
EmiLee Novak, Upper Iowa University$500Research - Song Variation of Cerulean Warblers in Northeast IowaReport
Brian D. Peer, Western Illinois University$500Decline of the Prothonotary Warbler: Are Front-line Defenses Effective in Reducing Cowbird Parasitism?
2017 - Total: $9,072
Buena Vista CCB$900Bird viewing station in Buena Vista County ParkReport
Cerro Gordo CCB$289Nature’s Window: Bringing the Outdoors In. Microphone system to record and broadcast audio from the wildlife and waterscape just outside the visitors center.Report
Mills County CCB$230Bird feeders for Pony Creek Nature CenterReport
Mitchell County Environmental Education Foundation$339Nesting camera and bird photo booth at the Milton R. Owen Nature Center to provide visitors with video of resident nesting and feeding birdsReport
Allamakee CCB$500Permanently mounted viewing scopes for the Driftless Area Education and Visitors Center (near Lansing, IA)Report
Sac CCB$400Junior Naturalist Bird Day Camp 2017: Scope and tripod for use through the year, and owl pellets and classroom guides for Summer Day campsReport
Clinton CCB$750Building better birders field classes: Salary, mileage, and marketing classes to provide bird ID and survey courses for new birders/surveyors in Clinton County.Report
Friends of Jones County Conservation and Nature Center$350Birding Explorer Pack: Explorer backpacks with binoculars, field guides, children’s books, sketchpads, and colored pencils included. To be checked out by family campers, families, youth groups, and school classrooms who visit the Fox Den Nature Center.Report
Jaime Coon, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign$1,014Research - Grassland birds, an invasive grass, and arthropods: exploring food web relationships using a long term avian dataset.
Brian Peer, Western Illinois University$800Research - The Prothonotary Project: Field equipment and supplies for conducting research and creating nest boxes for Prothonotary Warblers on the Mississippi River near the Quad Cities.Report
Jesse Ellis and Garret Forgey, Coe College $400Research - Eurasian Tree Sparrow Dispersion in the Cedar River Valley, Mileage for volunteers conducting Eurasian Tree Sparrow and House Sparrow surveys.Report
Des Moines CCB$1,600Research - The Purchase of a SM3BAT Song Meter to Survey Species Diversity at Big Hollow Recreation AreaReport
Jackson CCB$1,500Prairie Creek Recreation Area – Wetland Development: For creating 35 acres of new wetland and pollinator prairie habitat. Report
2016 - Total: $9,273
Grace Vaziri, Iowa State University$990Research Project: Gut Parasites of Iowa Song Sparrows
Jones County Conservation Board$500Binoculars and Field Guides for Birders
Stephanie Allers, Western Illinois University$485Research Project: Brown-headed Cowbird Affects on Host SpeciesReport
Mills County Conservation Board$400Spotting ScopeReport
Dallas County Conservation Board$240Field Guides for Owl Education ProgramReport
Hardin County Conservation Board$500Elevated Observation Tower @ Pintail Wetlands
Cherokee Conservation Board$731Outdoor Classroom-Bird Blind
Hawkeye Area Council-Boy Scouts of America$800Bird study @ Scout Camp-Education Materials, Supplies for Building Feeders, etc. Report
Western Illinois University-Nahant Marsh$984Habitat Restoration for Prothonotary Warblers at Nahant Marsh
Dallas County Conservation Board$2,440Purple Martin Houses for Four Different Locations in Dallas County (Special Memorial Funds in honor of Tom Lawson)Report
Johnson County Conservation Board$355Binoculars for Bird ProgrammingReport
North Cedar Neighborhood Association, Cedar Falls$408Chimney Swift Tower for Habitat Maintained by Neighborhood Association and North Cedar Elementary School
Orange Elementary School$4402nd Chimney Swift Tower for Orange Elementary School - Additional Habitat for Existing Flock of 200 Swifts
2015 - Total: $5,187
Johnson County Conservation Board$350Field Guides for ProgrammingReport
Orange Elementary School, Waterloo, IA$500Chimney Swift towers for an existing swift colonyReport
Iowa Young Birders$250Field Guides for Iowa Young Birder ParticipantsReport
Woodbury County Conservation Board$200Equipment for raptor education at the Dorothy Pecaut Nature CenterReport
Hitchcock Nature Center$250Northern Saw-whet Owl Migration MonitoringReport
O’Brien, Clay, Emmet, Palo Alto, Dickinson CCBs & Union Slough$1,000Publication of a revised map and guide to "Birding: The Iowa Prairie Lakes Region"Report
Henry County Conservation Board$440Improvements to facilities for education raptors @ Oakland Mills.Report
MacBride Raptor Project$150Improvements to bird blind feeding stationReport
Jackson County Conservation Board$216BioBlitz & breeding bird survey at Prairie Creek Recreation AreaReport
Ewalu Camp & Retreat Center$250Birds & birding environmental education classReport
Hardin County Conservation Board$500Observation Platform at Pintail WetlandsReport
Mitchell County Conservation Board$331Avian audio experienceReport
Dr. Paul Skrade$750Cerulean Warbler Occupancy Study Report
2014 - Total: $4,420
Jon Stravers - Driftless Area Bird Conservation$700Cerulean Warbler documentation in Effigy Mounds/Yellow River Forest BCAReport
North Cedar Neighborhood Association$200Bird and wildlife sanctuary in Cedar FallsReport
Iowa Young Birders$250Iowa and Illinois Young Birder Day on the Mississippi River
Pottawattamie County Conservation Board$500Hitchcock Hawk Watch and Raptor BandingReport
Mitchell County Conservation Board$250Education supplies for beginning birdersReport
Polk County Conservation Board$200Barn Owl nest boxes at Chichaqua Bottoms GreenbeltReport
Pat Schlarbaum - Iowa DNR$500Falcon River Trip
Allamakee County Conservation Board$250Optics for Conservation Environmental Education ProgramReport
Nahant Marsh Education Center$350Migratory bird obstacle course and education
Mahaska County Conservation Board$400Binoculars for beginning birdersReport
Jackson County Conservation Board$600Breeding bird survey of newly acquired land prior to habitat restorationReport
Mines of Spain - Iowa DNR$220E.B. Lyons Center addition and developmentReport
2013 - Total: $5,000
Tyler Harms$1,000Grassland Bird Nesting study in Polk Co.Report
Jon Stravers$750NE IA Cerulean Warbler MonitoringReport
Pottawattamie County Cons. Bd.$750Hitchcock NC Raptor Banding ProjectsReport
Madison County Cons. BD.$600Pammel Park Bird BlindReport
Ringgold County Cons. Bd.$500Avian Education/Nature CenterReport
Mitchell County Cons. BD.$500Binoculars for Beginning BirdersReport
Allamakee CCB$400Peregrine Falcon EducationReport
Mills County Cons. Bd.$350Pony Creek Park Bird BlindReport
Springbrook Conservation Ed. Ctr.$150Field Guide PurchasesReport
2012 - Total: $8,000
Iowa Young Birders$1,500A new non-profit organization encouraging younger Iowans to consider birding and to enhance their appreciation of the outdoors.Report
Woodbury CCB$1,000Raptor enclosure at Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center.Report
Hurstville Interp. Center$500Construction of a Chimney Swift tower.Report
Iowa Wildlife Center$500High Trestle Raptor ProjectReport
Iowa County Cons. Board$500Bird I.D. Teacher Pack at Lake Iowa Park.Report
Lee County Cons. Board$500Keokuk Bald Eagle Days celebration.Report
Courtney Duchardt$500Study of grassland bird nest site selection in Ringgold County.Report
Jon Stravers$2,000Cerulean Warbler monitoring project in NE Iowa.Report
Chad Graeve$1,000Hitchcock Hawkwatch raptor banding projects.Report
2011 - Total: $5,000
Timothy Lyons$1,360Study effects of a fire-grazing interaction on the nesting ecology of a grassland songbirdReport
Ron Huelse$1,500Gladys Black eagle nest cam projectReport
Jonathan Meerbeek$600Monitor and evaluate the ecological conditions of Iowa’s shallow lakes, pre- and post-renovation
Chad Graeve$1,540Hitchcock Hawkwatch raptor banding projects
2010 - Total: $3,000
Quad City Audubon Society$1,000Winter 2010-11 Milan Bottoms Bald Eagle Night Roost Monitoring
Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation$600Story County Habitat Protection and Restoration
Iowa DNR$400Monitoring and Evaluating the Ecological Condition of Iowa’s Shallow LakesReport
Hitchcock Nature Center$900Hitchcock Hawkwatch Raptor BandingReport
Anna MacDonald$100Avian community composition and habitat use within watersheds of contrasting annual-perennial vegetation configurations
2009 - Total: $3,000
Mitchell County Conservation Board$1,250Farm-land purchase
Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation$1,000Purchase of a 168-acre parcel in Story County composed of remnant prairie and adjacent to other protected property
Pottawattamie County Conservation$750Hitchcock Hawk WatchReport
2008 - Total: $2,000
Friends of the Sherman Swift Tower$1,000Re-creation of the Sherman Swift Tower in Clayton County
Larry Stone & Jon Stravers$1,000Gladys Black book
2007 - Total: $6,000
Winnebago County Conservation Board$2,000Purchase of 105 acres of critical habitat along the Winnebago River Greenbelt
Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation$1,500Purchase of 93 acres of critical habitat on the east side of Big Spirit Lake in Dickinson Co.
The Nature Conservancy of Iowa$1,750Habitat improvement and evaluation at the Broken Kettle Grasslands in Plymouth Co.
Pottawattamie Co. Conservation Board$750Raptor banding research at the Hitchcock Hawk WatchReport