Christmas Bird Counts for 2025 - 2026

  • Eastern Screech-Owl
    Eastern Screech-Owl
    Photo by Larry Dau
  • Red Crossbill
    Red Crossbill
    Photo by Adam Ciha
  • Barred Owl
    Barred Owl
    Photo by John Bissell

Iowa City CBCThe Christmas Bird Count began in 1900 when Frank Chapman suggested that teams change their tradition of shooting birds as a Christmas sport to simply taking a census of them. In the ensuing years, the idea has grown and the CBC has become a winter tradition for many birders across the country with friendly competitions among states and even circles. As the first citizen science project, the CBC has captured enough data over the years that results are now used by various scientific organizations to document changes in wintering bird populations. For more history and a neat video, check out the National Audubon's page on the CBC history. Since 1937 the IOU has a compiled and published the summary of each year's data in Iowa Bird Life. Roughly two-thirds of Iowa's count data is also submitted to and included in the big picture analysis by National Audubon.
1938 IBL Read about the 1937 CBCs

View results from previous CBCs (those which have been entered into National Audubon's large database) or check Iowa Bird Life for a summary of Iowa's season.
Log in to add a count to the calendar or edit a current one.
The following documents may be downloaded and used for your count:
Be sure to send your results to Christopher Caster for the annual IBL summary.

There are no scheduled counts at this time. - 0 scheduled

  • Calendar
  • Missing Counts