The IOU maintains partnerships with a number of different organizations within the state. These are some of note.
Iowa Audubon is the advocacy organization for Iowa's birds. They keep members updated on items of concern and actions needed. IOU and Iowa Audubon have long partnered on the Important Bird Areas program with the IOU providing the data for tracking criteria species status. Membership is minimal and you may join from their site.
Iowa Young Birders are our future! Specifically for young people 8 -18, participants enjoy field trips and educational programming to sharpen their birding skills. This mentorship program involves a number of IOU members as leaders and supporters. Complimentary membership in the IOU with the electronic journal option provides these young people with additional resources.
Iowa Department of Natural Resouces - Wildlife Diversity Program provides a professional aspect to our passion. They track bird populations through the MSIM (Multiple Species Inventory and Management) program as well as do special tracking of species of conservation concern as identified in the Iowa Wildlife Action Plan. The most recent joint project between the Wildlife DIversity Program and the IOU was the data collection, analysis, and publication of the Iowa Breeding Bird Atlas II.
Bird Friendly Iowa is a recognition program of communities throughout the state who have committed to making their community friendly for birds by providing protections. The IOU is just one of several conservation-minded organizations partnering in this effort. The IOU is donating a copy of the latest Breeding Bird Atlas to cities that meet the criteria to help in better planning around nesting birds. The IOU also makes county checklists of birds available for use by designated counties. Donations may be made through this site to support the efforts of Bird Friendly Iowa.