What Is a Bird?

bird feeder

Everyone knows birds. We see them every day. Most of you probably saw a bird this morning on the way to school. But what makes a bird a bird? What are the distinguishing characteristics that let you separate birds from other animals? Pretend you are being visited by a Martian who has no concept of what a bird is. How would you describe a bird?

Take this short quiz to see how much you know about birds.

    Only birds have feathers

    Only birds can fly

    Birds are only the warm-blooded animals (that would be a more technical way of phrasing it)

    Only birds have scales

    Birds are the only animals that build nests

    Birds are the only animals that lay eggs

    Birds are the only animals with a beak

    All birds have beaks

    All birds can fly

    All birds have wings

    Birds are the only animals with claws

    All birds lay eggs